How is it possible to continue improving at such a complicated sport like tennis?

By consistently pushing yourself beyond your boundaries.

It makes logical sense, and yet so few recreational tennis players actually do it. Instead of spending time on what they’re uncomfortable with, or taking what they’re comfortable with already and pushing it to the max they take they easy way out.

What about the pros? Aren’t they just born with a God given ability to play tennis at a high level?

Nope. They’ve been busting their butts consistently for years and years, just like Nadal is showing in today’s featured video. Check it out:

I saw Rafa do that same drill over and over and over again during a practice session. Each time he couldn’t stop running back and forth until he had made 10 shots to two different target areas.

Have you ever worked at that high of an intensity during a tennis practice session? How about every single one?

Hopefully Rafa’s example is motivating and inspiring to you. I know it is to me!

Comments? Questions? Story about the hardest you’ve ever worked on the court? Tell me below!