Free Tennis Instruction, Lessons, Videos & More for Passionate Players
Latest Tennis Video Lessons
DON’T Hit Out In Front!
"Hit out in front!" has got to be one of the top 5 most repeated instructions in all of tennis. And yet, millions of players hit late over
Ultimate Wall Control Drill
There are many different ways to practice your tennis skills. However, if you don't have a hitting partner or a ball machine, what can you do? All you
How Natural Gut Strings Are Made
There are many types of tennis strings used, but when it all started way back in there day, there was only one. Have you ever wondered how natural
Your forehand stance is WRONG (open vs closed)
Open, closed, semi, square....which stance are you suppose to use?! There are a lot of opinions and debates when it comes to tennis stances, but we are breaking
A Warning for Tennis Creators…
Being a Tennis video creator has it rewards, but also its challenges. With many new creators surfaces and coming into the tennis space of the last few years,
THIS is Ruining Your Serve!
People say the Serve is the most IMPORTANT shot in tennis, and if that's true, why do so many people struggle with it? Because it's also the most
Why you’re NOT a Pro Tennis Player…
We get asked this questions a lot! "How do you become a pro tennis player? Can I still become Pro?" We are breaking down a video from our
Nadal’s Secret Footwork Drill! (You’re NOT Doing This)
Rafael Nadal is one of the smoothest players on the court, no matter what direction he is moving. It's because he practices all aspects of his tennis footwork,
BEST Tennis Channels of 2022 (that you don’t know about)
Over the past two years we've featured some of the growing population of tennis Youtube Channels. This year will be no different! We absolutely love how much this
7 Beginner Tennis Tips To Help You Improve FAST!
We absolutely love when people in the tennis world share their videos of practices and matches! Today we have two young, beginner tennis players playing a match outdoors.
How to AIM Your Tennis Shots and Hit ANY Target!
There is a common misconception that aiming your tennis shots has to do with your stance or position on the court. We are breaking down exactly what you