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Latest Tennis Video Lessons
How to BREAK DOWN your opponent (baseline strategy)
There are players who focus on making the best shots they can, hoping it will be enough, and there are players who observe their opponent, come up with
How to ACTUALLY Fix your Forehand
SO many players (and coaches) get caught up in hitting the right position in the follow through, but completely ignore everything that is required to arrive in that
How to Poach like a BOSS (tennis lesson)
Every doubles player knows poaching can be a valuable weapon, but many players don't have a clear understanding of WHEN and HOW to poach effectively and disrupt their
Why you miss the EASIEST shots (tennis lesson)
EVERY tennis player can relate to this moment: you're playing an incredible point, your opponent is backed into a corner and coughs up a high, floating sitter. Time
How to PUT AWAY volleys (tennis lesson)
So many players are comfortable sending a calm, relaxed volley back into play, but when it comes time to be aggressive and put away the shot everything falls
How the pros RECOVER so quickly (tennis lesson)
Too often amateur tennis players get stuck behind the ball, frantically trying to keep up with one shot after the other until it's too late. The problem most
How to play with the right INTENSITY (tennis lesson)
Every player has their own "type" of intensity during a match... Some are naturally hyped up and ready to run through a wall, and others are slow to
Stop Aiming HERE in Doubles! (losing targets)
Ready to upgrade your doubles game and start winning more matches? Get started at
Stop Standing HERE in Doubles! (why you’re losing)
Ready to upgrade your doubles game and start winning more matches? Get started at In doubles, there's a "right" and a "wrong" spot to stand for every
Why you LOSE at doubles (tennis strategy)
Ready to upgrade your doubles game and start winning more matches? Get started at
Transition to the Net Like a Pro!
After hitting an aggressive shot and you feel it's the right time to come to the net...are you comfortable and ready to transition? This can be very difficult