According to her official website,, Russian tennis cutie pie Maria Sharapova has decided to “shut it down” for the year. She has been nursing a shoulder injury which is taking longer than expected to heal. She says, “Just put me in a suit and I easily fit in to the everyday 9 to 5 workday hours, weekends off sort of deal.”

She can’t fool me. While the rest of us are slaving away, she is posing for photos like this. I’m not complaining. She gives us great photos to look at. But I’m guessing her idea of a 9 to 5 workday is a little different than for most of us. At least I know she doesn’t have to check her bank account to see if she can afford to fill up the gas tank. After all, her reported income from last year is $23 million.

So, Maria, we don’t want to see you in a suit. We’d rather see that Maria Sharapova thong! Just keep posing for those sexy pictures, we’ll keep searching for them, and we’ll look for you on the tennis court next season! Good luck with your recovery!