Maria Kirilenko photoAccording to The Sun, Russian sexy tennis cutie pie, Maria Kirilenko has been voted the sexiest tennis player on the WTA tour. The poll was run for six weeks and with 7,000 votes giving Maria Kirilenko the top spot. The poll was done by

Here’s the top nine list. Six cutie pies featured on this site made the list!

  1. Maria Kirilenko of Russia.
  2. Maria Sharapova of Russia.
  3. Ana Ivanovic of Serbia.
  4. Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark.
  5. Nicole Vaidisova who is Czech.
  6. Sania Mirza who is Indian.
  7. Ashley Harkleroad from the USA.
  8. Gisela Dulko of Argentina.
  9. Samantha Stosur of Australia.
  10. Ashley Harkleroad probably had an edge getting on the list since she posed for Playboy recently. But if I had a chance to vote, my vote would go to Ana Ivanovic, although Maria Kirilenko always shows that hint of cleavage, which is pretty nice! So I can’t say she didn’t deserve the # 1 spot.