Today platform tennis is played on an elevated aluminum deck that is about 25% the size of a tennis court (60′ x 30′ total). The court itself is about 1/3 the size of a tennis court (44′ x 20′) complete with a lower net. Tennis players will feel like giants on the little court! The deck is
elevated and usually enclosed so that a heating system can be installed under the court to melt away snow and ice from the aggregate playing surface. This allows you to play the game in nearly all conditions, except rain which weighs down the ball. Around the playing surface there are 12 foot high fences that are made of a chicken wire like fencing. The fences are pulled taut so the ball can spring off of them. unlike racquetball and squash, the ball must first land inside the court before it is played off the fencing. In most players opinion, this is what makes platform tennis such a fun sport. It is extremely difficult to overpower an opponent, and seasoned players will use more touch and placement to win points.
Now let’s talk equipment, after all this is a gear review… The ball too is different from a standard tennis ball. Unlike a tennis ball a platform ball is smaller (2.5″ diameter), solid, spongy, and is covered in orange or yellow felt. The paddles are about 18″ long and are drilled with holes to make them
more aerodynamic. The face of the paddle is rough to help with imparting spin on the ball. The smaller paddle, smaller court, and slower ball makes the game very quick to pick-up for beginners, but it takes years to learn the ropes of high level play.
Game play is similar to tennis but there are different strategies that come into play. Platform tennis is predominantly a doubles game. There are 2 major differences in gameplay in doubles. The first is that you only get one serve rather than two. The second is that serves that hit the top of the net and land in are in play, not a let or re-serve. In singles play you still get two serves, but the net ball rule still applies. Because of the small size of the court, a winning lob is a rarity, thus there is a big emphasis on getting to the net. You also want to be sure to get right on top of the net. Because of the heavier ball, it is very tough to dig out a low ball at your feet, so get the ball before it drops too low. Tennis players will have to train themselves that just because the ball gets past you, the point is not over, you can still play the ball off the screens.
True “paddle” players will be out when it is bone chilling outside. As the temperature drops the level of play rises, as the ball becomes harder, and points become longer. When it is more mild outside the balls will fly all over the place, and points will be lost more often than won. And when you get out there and play you won’t be cold for long because of the perpetual movement required. Most seasoned players will tell you to dress in layers so you can shed clothing as you play. Under Armour is very popular among paddle players because it is very lightweight, keeps you warm, and it is easy to move around in.
I highly recommend that if you are in a place that has platform tennis courts that you give the game a try, especially if you play tennis. Racquetball and squash players will also enjoy it. Even if you are not a racquet sport player this is a great sport to learn, and a great way to get some exercise in the cold.
Check out these platform tennis sites for more information: