

The old thought of always "Step In" to your shots is a classic tennis tip, but is it actually the best way to hit your groundstrokes? Or is it done the most often? Today we are breaking-down some professional players and taking a look at how often tennis players are

How to return BIG Kick Serves

There are few more helpless feelings than facing a big kick serve and lacking the ability to handle high-bouncing returns. Here are the tools you need to neutralize your opponent's weapon and put yourself back in the game...

Improving My Serve POWER with these Drills!

Are you struggling to create power on your serve? There is a common mistake most ameteur players are making on their serve which is limiting their abilities to get speed. These few drills will help you understand the proper technique and improve your serve the next ime you're on the

Stop FAKING your Serve Arm Load

Stuart had a strong service motion overall but wasn't nearly achieving the power he was capable of. Sound familiar? Here's how to distinguish a true loading of the arm and shoulder from a fake one, and how to incorporate the real thing into your serve for more effortless power...

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