No worries. Pusher Domination comes with a LIFETIME happiness guarantee!

Why Do Pushers Win? 

Pushers win so many matches because they force their opponents to truly "come up with the goods". It's impossible to win by accident against a good defensive player because each and every point must be earned. More than likely you've tried to solve this problem by swinging for the fences and praying to the tennis gods that enough shots will land in the court to come out on top. After multiple failed attempts that hit the middle of the net or back fence you instead try to beat the pusher at his or her own game. Sounding familiar?

Dozens of long, boring rallies and multiple hours later you walk off the court with a loss to a player that isn't as "good" as you. Let's be honest, though. If you lost how can you really be the better player? Fact of the matter is you didn't have the tools required to come out on top. What you really need is the right combination of consistency, offense, strategy and mental toughness. 

A Step By Step Solution

I've spent my entire teaching career helping tennis players just like you develop the tools they need to beat defensive players in both singles and doubles. I'm now ready to share my methods step by step inside a brand new, one of a kind program called Pusher Domination. 

This is a fully comprehensive video training course that will show you exactly how to develop the 5 tools that you need in your toolbox to not only beat pushers but crush them consistently. Those tools are consistency, reliable offense from the baseline, the ability to put away short sitters, winning strategy and solid mental toughness. Without any one of those tools a good defensive opponent will pick you apart. 


Here Are The Skills You'll Learn Inside Pusher Domination

  • How to play consistent, high percentage tennis WITHOUT getting sucked into their pusher style of play and losing your sanity
  • What techniques to use to confidently and reliably put away short sitters without dumping them into the net or spraying them long and wide
  • How to create "easy power" from the baseline so you can boss pushers around without making embarrassing unforced errors and giving away the match
  • What mental toughness tricks you should be using so you can complete against pushers like a zen master - cool, calm and collected
  • How to create a rock solid "Plan A" strategy plus what backup plans to use if your pusher opponent makes adjustments 
  • How to turn the tables on pushers by forcing them out of their comfort zone instead of the other way around
  • Much, much more! 

The Only Sure Thing In Tennis Instruction

Pusher Domination Comes With A

Lifetime Happiness Guarantee!

It's very simple - my job is to make you a better tennis player. If that doesn't happen for any reason then you deserve a full refund. No matter how much time has passed. No questions asked. After six years in business and over 4,800 paying customers I have never denied a refund request. Not once. In short, you can't possibly make a mistake by signing up for Pusher Domination right now. 

It's time to feel the satisfaction and confidence that comes with crushing pushers with consistency and authority. Get the skills you need to not only dominate defensive opponents reliably but also raise the level of your game a whole level or more. I can't wait to help you reach your goals. See you on the inside. 

Yours Truly,

Ian Westermann